Certified Pool Operator (CPO)-En Español

Thursday, January 30, 2025
8:30 AM (EST)
to Friday, January 31, 2025 at 5:00 PM (EST)

Certified Pool Operator (CPO)

Hora: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm | La inscripción comienza a las 8:15 am

Instructor: Ángel García, Instructor CPO certificado por PHTA

Crédito de educación continua: 6.00 CEC

Tenga en cuenta: este curso se impartirá y el examen se administrará únicamente en español.

Time: 8:30 am– 5:00 pm | Registration begins at 8:15 am
Instructor: Angel Garcia, PHTA Certified CPO Instructor
Continuing Education Credit: 6.00 CEC’s

Tenga en cuenta: este curso se impartirá y el examen se administrará únicamente en español.

Please note: This course will be taught and the test will be administered in Spanish only.

Según la Ley de Florida 64E-9.018,


"Una persona que presta servicios a una piscina pública manteniendo la limpieza, la calidad del agua y el equilibrio químico de las piscinas públicas deberá estar certificada. Para obtener la certificación, una persona debe demostrar conocimiento de las piscinas públicas... (y) deberá asistir a un curso de capacitación de reconocimiento nacional que es aprobado por el departamento de al menos 16 horas de duración y deberá pasar una prueba aceptable para el departamento".


El plan de estudios de certificación cubrirá información sobre la química adecuada de la piscina, la mitigación de riesgos físicos, la administración de instalaciones, la seguridad general, los riesgos y los temas de responsabilidad, entre otros. Tenga en cuenta: la certificación CPO solo es válida por 5 años.

According to Florida Law 64E-9.018,

"An individual who services a public pool by maintaining the cleanliness, water quality, and chemical balance of public pools shall be certified. To be certified an individual must demonstrate knowledge of public pools…(and) shall attend a training course of national recognition that is approved by the department of at least 16 hours in length and shall pass a test acceptable to the department."

The certification curriculum will cover information regarding proper pool chemistry, mitigating physical hazards, facility management, general safety, risk, and liability topics among others. Please note: The CPO certification is only valid for 5 years. 


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Please click "Register Now" to secure your Sponsorship!

Class Pricing

  • APASS Subscriber: $350.00
  • Members: $400.00 
  • Non-members: $450.00

*Payment must be received in full before the first day of class

Meet Your Instructor

Angel Garcia

Angel Garcia has nearly 20 years of experience in maintenance with expertise in training and management. He is a certified CPO instructor through PHTA. Angel is a graduate of Florida Metropolitan University where he obtained a Bachelor's of Business Administration. He worked onsite for over 10 years as a Maintenance Supervisor and Corporate Trainer with Camden Property Trust. Angel currently serves as a Maintenance Trainer for Hines. 

For More Information:

Heather Alzate

Heather Alzate


VP of Education , AAGO

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