Get involved! Join one of our COMMITTEES AND/or COUNCILS

The Apartment Association of Greater Orlando (AAGO) relies heavily on volunteer leaders from all walks of apartment industry life to maintain efficient association organization. Committee volunteer opportunities provide AAGO members with invaluable networking channels, a chance to kindle and develop meaningful relationships with peers, and gain insight into the central Florida market. All AAGO members are invited to volunteer on the committee (or committees!) that best suits their talents and interests.

Unless otherwise noted, committee participation and meetings are open to all AAGO members. If you would like to discuss your talents and how they could best be utilized at AAGO or if you would like to sign up to volunteer, please contact the AAGO staff liaison listed underneath the committee/council description!

Quick Reference Links by the Committee/Council's Focus

Board of Directors | Communications | Education

Government Affairs | Membership Engagement/Outreach | Multifamily Development

Philanthropy/Community Service | Special Events | Young Professionals | Meet our Committee and Council Leaders

Board of Directors (Application Required)

The AAGO Board of Directors is the primary governing body of the association, and these leaders are charged with oversight of the association's operations, finances, objectives, and strategic planning. At a minimum, the Board meets quarterly, and Directors serve 1-year terms with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms. Each June a "Call for Nominations" is sent out to encourage candidates to submit their interest in serving on the Board.

AAGO Staff Liaison: Monica Ramsey, Executive Vice President | Contact Monica Here.

Communications and Branding Task Force (Invitation only)

This group of specialized professionals assists with AAGO’s communications and branding efforts. Areas of focus include the AAGO website, Key Magazine (Virtual Publication), content, etc. Committee members must possess, and be able to demonstrate, a skillset or expertise in marketing, communications, branding, or publication. Appointment to the Task Force is subject to the approval of the Chair.

AAGO Staff Liaison: Torquiose Ware, Communitcations and Branding Manager | Contact Torquiose Here.

Interested in joining the Communications and Branding Task Force? Please complete the Council interest form accessible here.

Education Advisory Council  (Subject to Appointment by Chair)

This council is comprised of senior management and training officials with an extensive background in education in the apartment industry. The council provides AAGO with guidance regarding relevant industry issues and potential educational opportunities that could assist professionals in their career development.

AAGO Staff Liaison: Heather Alzate, Vice President of Education | Contact Heather Here.

Interested in joining the Education Advisory Council? Please complete the Council interest form accessible here.

Friends of the Foundation Committee  (AAGO Foundation Committee) 

The Friends of the Foundation committee assists with the AAGO Foundation’s philanthropic efforts and community service opportunities through championing engagement, giving, and service opportunities that support our local charity partners. Through hands-on experiences like volunteering and offering assistance, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those in our local community.  

AAGO Staff Liaison: Melanie Santiago, Director of Member Engagement | Contact Melanie Here.

Interested in joining the Friends of the Foundation Committee? Please complete the Committee interest form accessible here.

Government Affairs Council (Subject to Appointment by Chair)

This council serves to identify and prioritize local/regional legislative and regulatory issues impacting the central Florida multifamily housing industry. The group works alongside the AAGO Government Affairs team to rank priority issues, and serve as a rapid response team in helping develop "positions" on issues, as well, as means of engagement/involvement. Individuals must serve in a multi-site role or have no less than 5 years of industry/operation experience. 

AAGO Staff Liaisons: Johnmichael Fernandez, Director of Local Government Affairs| Contact Johnmichael Here.

Interested in joining the Government Affairs Meeting? Please complete the Committee interest form accessible here

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee plays a pivotal role in the recruitment, recognition, and retention of our association's members. Committed to innovation, this body constantly explores approaches to effectively engage new AAGO members and elevate the association's presence in the central Florida market. With a strategic focus, the committee orchestrates membership campaigns, setting goals and forming teams for community visits. Additionally, the committee oversees the Ambassador Program, which acts as a guide to new members throughout the year, offering support and insights on utilizing association benefits during their orientation journey.

AAGO Staff Liaison: Melanie Santiago, Director of Member Engagement | Contact Melanie Here.

Interested in joining the Membership Committee? Please complete the Committee interest form accessible here. 

Central Florida Developers Council: (Subject to Appointment by Chair)

This council was formed to respond to local and state issues directly impacting the development of multi-family housing. The development of apartment housing is critically needed to keep up with the influx of people moving to central Florida.  This group meets on a regular, but not monthly, basis to discuss emerging issues of broad industry concern.

AAGO Staff Liaison: Lee Steinhauer, Government Affairs & Legal Counsel | Contact Lee Here.

Special Events Committee

The Special Events Committee is a committed team of volunteers who play a vital role in organizing and implementing numerous signature events for AAGO. They champion all AAGO gatherings, striving to increase member participation. Leveraging past event data and feedback, these volunteers continuously enhance AAGO's events, ensuring improvement from one year to the next.

AAGO Staff Liaison:  Linsay Meaney, Manager of Meetings and Events | Contact Linsay Here.

Interested in joining the Special Events Committee? Please complete the Committee interest form accessible here.

Young Professionals Committee

This body is comprised of professionals who are 40 years old and under from various facets of the apartment industry. The committee seeks to increase AAGO engagement from young professionals and foster leadership development opportunities for committee members.  

AAGO Staff Liaison: Torquiose Ware, Communications and Branding Manager | Contact Torquiose Here.

Interested in joining the Young Professionals Committee? Please complete the Committee interest form accessible here

2024 Committee & Council Leadership

The following individuals have been appointed to volunteer leadership positions on AAGO's Committees, Councils, and Task Forces. Committees, councils, and task forces play a crucial role within AAGO's organizational structure, and the leaders of these working groups are charged with ensuring that the volunteers serving on these bodies are well informed, active, engaged, and fulfilling the mission.

Leaders are installed at the "Installation and Appreciation Dinner" in January each year and serve one year terms.

Note: The Chair and Vice Chair of the "Friends of the Foundation" are appointed by the President of the AAGO Foundation.
  • Mike Mulhall

    Director of Multifamily Development, DHI Communities

    Chair, Developers Council

  • Chad Hochuli

    LeCesse Development Corporation

    Vice Chair, Developers Council

  • Kyra do Carmo

    Kyra do Carmo

    Senior Business Development Manager, Career Strategies, Inc.

    Vice Chair, Friends of the Foundation

  • Meredith Torres

    Meredith Torres

    Director | Real Estate Operations, Greystar Multi-Family Services

    Chair, Government Affairs Council

  • Barry Johnson

    Barry Johnson

    Shareholder/Partner, Miller Johnson Law

    Vice Chair, Government Affairs Council

  • Michelle Chapman

    Michelle Chapman

    Branch Manager, The Liberty Group

    Chair, Membership Committee

  • Sheena Griffin

    Sheena Griffin

    Senior Regional Manager, Asset Living

    Vice Chair, Membership Committee

  • Matthew Gourlay

    Development Manager, LeCesse Development Corporation

    Chair, Political Giving Council

  • Bailey Hickson

    Bailey Hickson

    Business Development & Marketing, Criste Construction, Inc.

    Chair, Special Events Committee

  • Marisa Vasquez

    Marisa Vasquez

    Massey Services, Inc

    Vice Chair, Special Events Committee

  • Austin Cotton

    Austin Cotton

    Sales Representative, Stephens and Company, LLC

    Chair, Young Professionals Committee

  • Michelle Montoya

    Michelle Montoya

    Sr. Regional Portfolio Manager, ConAm

    Chair, Education Advisory Council

  • Jennifer Diegidio

    Jennifer Diegidio


    Regional Director, RangeWater Real Estate

    Vice Chair, Education Advisory Council

  • Adam Charron

    Branch Manager, Artisent Floors

    Vice Chair, Young Professionals Committee