Selling without Concessions!
Market your property while maximizing your rents!

Selling without Concessions
Meet your instructor: Desiree Starr, Lantower Residential
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Continuing Education Credit: 3 CEC’s
Your prospects are expecting a discount on rent. When they call, it is the first thing they ask about. Nowadays, everyone in the market has begun offering one month of free rent. So, why aren't you?
In this three-hour seminar, you will gain insight and understanding into tactics and techniques that will have them forgetting all about a discount and start asking about your amenities, community engagement and so much more. Stop apologizing for your rent. Sell value, not specials!
Course Objectives
- How to get to know and understand your market
- Learning how to identify and use your competitive advantage
- How concessions affect your bottom line
- Understanding the importance of the 4 prompting P's
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