Future Leaders Training

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way!

Thursday, June 15, 2023
9:00 AM (EDT)
to Friday, July 28, 2023 at 5:00 PM (EDT)
2 Seats Remaining
2 Seats Remaining

All classes are from 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.

CEC: 6

Leadership and management training courses are specialized programs designed to help you learn new leadership techniques and refine old skills to run your team with assertive communication, motivational methods, and coaching. Too often, individuals are looked over for leadership roles due to a lack of training and skill development. No longer! AAGO is proud to offer our Future Leader Program for Assistant Managers, Leasing Managers, and Assistant Maintenance Technicians. Attendees will learn essential skills and techniques to gain the knowledge and understanding they need to become tomorrow’s leaders. In addition, attendees will be paired up with a Mentor and along with creating their own development plan, they will work with their Mentor to set specific professional goals. 

Future Leaders is a 4-part series:

  • June 15th: Leadership Skills/Traits and Time Mgmt. - Desiree Starr & Heather Alzate
  • June 16th: Hiring and Development Plans - Lori Agudo
  • July 27th: Eat the Frog/Decision Making - Joelis Barandica
  • July 28th: Financial Bootcamp/Peer to Boss - Ricardo Alicea & Erika Johnson


"As an Assistant Property Manager, I had the desire to grow in my career and become a Property Manager. Participating in the Future Leaders Program gave me an amazing foundation to prepare for that next step in my career. Learning how to develop the skills and mindset to view circumstances and situations from a managerial perspective versus an employee perspective was a revitalizing experience.

Taking the invaluable knowledge I gained about time and financial management, team development, and proper perspective, I am happy to share that I was promoted to Property Manager. I am so thankful to have been a part of the inaugural future leader’s class and highly recommend the program to anyone looking for their next step." - Victoria Golliday-Williams, The Bainbridge Companies
2 Seats Remaining
2 Seats Remaining


APASS: $150.00

Member: $225.00

Non-Member: $450.00

Thank you to our Sponsors!


Interested in Sponsoring AAGO's Future Leaders Program? Please email Heather!

For More Information:

Heather Alzate

Heather Alzate


VP of Education , AAGO

View Profile
