2024 Trade Show: Diamonds are Forever

Where Brilliance Meets Business in Bond Style!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)

The Event Place at Dezerland Park Orlando

5250 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 United States
* Registration open until 4/18/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)
* Registration open until 4/18/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)
Category: Events


Welcome to the 2024 AAGO Trade Show:

Diamonds Are Forever

Get ready for an unforgettable night of elegance, intrigue, and industry glamour at this year's trade show. As we dive into the world of sophistication, we invite you to join us on this James Bond-inspired journey where the stakes are high, and the connections are sparkling.

This year we will be featuring the Lotus Esprit!

Lotus Esprit Bond Car

This car appears in James Bond film, "The Spy Who Loved Me". Once submerged, the Lotus evolves into a fully functioning submarine, with retractable tires that allow the extension of rudders, and fins that deploy from the side.



Exhibitors Terms & Condition | Sponsorships | Flyer | Exhibitor Kit
Please note: Out of an abundance of caution, all props that mirror or represent a weapon are restricted from the trade show. AAGO reserves the right to inspect and remove unauthorized props.

2024 Exhibitors:
Did you miss our virtual Exhibitor Informational Meeting?
Click here to watch the recording.

Interested in purchasing attendee tickets for your clients?

Your company can purchase attendee tickets are $10 each, and provide your clients with a promo code to register for the event. Please e-mail Carina@aago.org to help with this purchase. To avoid delayed entry on event day, please prepurchase any client tickets before pre-registration closes on April 18.

Please note: tickets may only be purchased for management company attendees, non-exhibiting supplier companies are not eligible to attend the show.

As we enter trade show season, beware of scammers attempting to sell lists of our members and attendees. Please note that AAGO never shares our attendee lists with any third parties. Disregard any such emails and under no circumstances should you respond, share your information, or provide any funds.


Pre-registered attendees have the opportunity to win Cash Prizes during the show!

  • FREE Early Bird tickets are available until Thursday, February 29th.
  • Pre-registeration tickets are $10 from March 1st to April 18th.
  • On-site tickets are $25.

APASS Subscribers
  • FREE to attend the show (Must pre-register) until Friday, March 15.

  • Must be 18+ employed in the rental housing industry. Not open to non-exhibiting suppliers
  • Tickets are $25

Your Mission Awaits- Secure Your Spot Today!


Don't forget to download our Mobile Application to help navigate the trade show floor plan, view exhibitor & sponsor details, and get alerts for this year's AAGO Prize Giveaway Winners!


This year's Mobile app is sponsored by:



April 23
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Exhibitor Set-Up
Access to loading docks is from 8 - 10 a.m. We plan to close the garage doors at 10 a.m. to ensure the hall has time to cool down. If you have a large set up be sure you can arrive during the first two hours of load-in.
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Trade Show Hours
Please note: there is no VIP hour this year, so all attendees have access to the show hall at 4 p.m.
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Exhibitor Tear-Down
* Registration open until 4/18/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)
* Registration open until 4/18/24 at 5:00 PM (EST)

Pre-registration is closed, on-site tickets will be available for $25 each.

This year's Trade Show is SOLD OUT
of exhibit booths!
If you're interested in being added to our Exhibitor Waiting List, please e-mail Carina@aago.org, with the following details: Company Name, Main Contact Name, Email Address, & Phone Number.

Sponsorship opportunities are available, click here to learn more!

Exhibitor Additional Services Available:

  • Power Access - $65 per booth
  • WIFI Access - $25 per booth
  • Additional Booth Representatives -
    $75 per person (on-site price is $85)

Platinum Sponsors

Security Sponsor

For More Information:

Carina Rawley

Carina Rawley

Director of Meetings, Florida Apartment Association

View Profile
